
Diaphony is a short animation documentary (6”) in which three characters, who seem to have very few similarities, invite you into their world while listening to music that has been comforting to them during the pandemic. The people that are being interviewed have different views on life, different interests and all experience the pandemic in their own different ways. One character, for example, is still recovering from the double shifts she had to work on the intensive care. She recalls the song that one of her patients requested to listen to one last time, just before the anesthesia took place. Another example is a character that only just returned from a demonstration on Museum square. He was forced to shut his cafe and had to witness the collapse of everything he had worked for. In the evening he plays piano in an empty cafe. The last character reminisces a song that she performed during her mother’s funeral. Now she plays the song at home to call to mind the connection she had with her mother.