Krug (The Circle)

The video and the song share some kind of idea of insecurity, loneliness and wandering, that is, searching for security, finding faith in oneself and others. The whole song is quite melancholic, wistful and I wanted to explore that theme (that’s why the action is on the open sea, where there is no one anywhere). The repeating motif of the boat symbolizes turning in a circle, returning again to some uncomfortable period in life, when it seems that everything around you is completely foreign, you have no one and you need to get out of it, you need to find at least a small glimmer of hope that this time all will not be the same again and you will not return to that situation. Sometimes, of course, it happens that someone offers that glimmer of hope unprovoked, and then you have to learn to accept it, because that’s what overcomes everything for good. Ivana Radić, director