During a peaceful night, a group of fugitives tries to find its way to the center of the building, where the entire …

Feeling that her mother may no longer be able to live on her own, a woman moves back to her childhood home. …

Alice is 27 years old today. Even though she is suffocating a bit, she still lives with her parents and tends to …

Echoes is a contemplative adventure into the depths of a noisy world. Guided by a distant melody echoing through concrete and rock, …

The 80s. A run-down motel. This is where a secret club of robot friends gather regularly to live out their dreams of …

Cat with glasses is sick of his glasses. Fortunately Dr. Spoo has a solution.

Musicians are getting ready to play the most spectacular composition.

In a farmhouse a woman tries to lure the resident house spirit – a mischievous Nisse – with offerings of food. Spring …

Sweet Like Lemons is a visual reflection on getting out of a harmful relationship and moving on. The title is a play …

A wise birdwoman sends three birds to guide a girl into the dark unknown landscapes of her inner world.

The film recounts the memories of a childhood in Split in the 1980s. These are stories retold after Sunday lunch when everyone …

One day my granny dyed her wedding dress black. She wanted to be buried in it.

Surreal, grotesque, and absurd film in the spirit of the Russian avant-garde based on the short stories of Daniil Kharms and inspired …

A young man is going to the country to gather mushrooms. On his way to the country, he meets a young girl. …

Taking inspiration from 20th-century avant-garde experiments in graphical sound generation, the entire image in O/S functions as an optical soundtrack. Abstract motion …

Victor, at the request of his wife, goes for a pipe cleaning liquid “The Mole”. On the way, he reflects and philosophizes, …